

google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
google_ad_format = "468x60_as";
google_ad_type = "text";
google_ad_channel ="2402242576";
google_color_border = "EDF8FF";
google_color_link = "000000";
google_color_bg = "EDF8FF";
google_color_text = "000000";
google_color_url = "0066CC";
google_hints = "娱乐 明星 美女 歌手";就这里了
google_language = 'zh-CN';
Googles response to the google_hints adsense code question was

google_ad_url = '';
google_date = new Date();
google_random = google_date.getTime();
google_org_error_handler = window.onerror;

function quoted(str) {
return (str != null) ? '"' + str + '"' : '""';

function google_encodeURIComponent(str) {
if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) == 'function') {
return encodeURIComponent(str);
} else {
return escape(str);

function google_write_tracker(tracker_event) {
var qloc = window.google_ad_url.indexOf('?');
var img_src = 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imp.gif?event=';
img_src += tracker_event;
if (qloc != -1 && qloc+1 < window.google_ad_url.length) {
img_src += '&' + window.google_ad_url.substring(qloc+1);
var img_tag = '<i' + 'mg height="1" width="1" border="0" ' +
'src=' + quoted(img_src) +
' />';

function google_append_url(param, value) {
if (value) {
window.google_ad_url += '&' + param + '=' + value;

function google_append_url_esc(param, value) {
if (value) {
google_append_url(param, google_encodeURIComponent(value));

function google_append_color(param, value) {
if (value && typeof(value) == 'object') {
value = value[window.google_random % value.length];
google_append_url('color_' + param, value);

function google_get_user_data() {
var javaEnabled = navigator.javaEnabled();
var tz = -google_date.getTimezoneOffset();

if (window.screen) {
google_append_url("u_h", window.screen.height);
google_append_url("u_w", window.screen.width);
google_append_url("u_ah", window.screen.availHeight);
google_append_url("u_aw", window.screen.availWidth);
google_append_url("u_cd", window.screen.colorDepth);

google_append_url("u_tz", tz);
google_append_url("u_his", history.length);
google_append_url("u_java", javaEnabled);

if (navigator.plugins) {
google_append_url("u_nplug", navigator.plugins.length);
if (navigator.mimeTypes) {
google_append_url("u_nmime", navigator.mimeTypes.length);

function google_show_ad() {
var w = window;
w.onerror = w.google_org_error_handler;

if (w.google_ad_region == null && w.google_ad_section != null) {
w.google_ad_region = w.google_ad_section;

var region = (w.google_ad_region == null) ? '' : w.google_ad_region;

if (w.google_ad_format) {
} else {

if (google_is_zero_ad_format) {
if (w.google_num_0ad_slots) {
w.google_num_0ad_slots = w.google_num_0ad_slots +1;
} else {
w.google_num_0ad_slots = 1;

if (w.google_num_0ad_slots>1) {
} else {
if (w.google_num_ad_slots) {
w.google_num_ad_slots = w.google_num_ad_slots + 1;
} else {
w.google_num_ad_slots = 1;

if (w.google_num_slots_to_rotate) {
w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region] = null;
if (w.google_num_slot_to_show == null) {
w.google_num_slot_to_show = w.google_random % w.google_num_slots_to_rotate
+ 1;
if (w.google_num_slot_to_show != w.google_num_ad_slots) {
} else if (w.google_num_ad_slots > 3 && region == '') {

w.google_ad_url = 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?';
w.google_ad_client = w.google_ad_client.toLowerCase();
if (w.google_ad_client.substring(0,3) != 'ca-') {
w.google_ad_client = 'ca-' + w.google_ad_client;
w.google_ad_url += 'client=' + escape(w.google_ad_client) +
'&dt=' + w.google_date.getTime();

google_append_url('hl', w.google_language);
if (w.google_country) {
google_append_url('gl', w.google_country);
} else {
google_append_url('gl', w.google_gl);
google_append_url('gr', w.google_region);
google_append_url_esc('gcs', w.google_city);
google_append_url_esc('hints', w.google_hints);
google_append_url('adsafe', w.google_safe);
google_append_url('oe', w.google_encoding);
google_append_url('lmt', w.google_last_modified_time);
google_append_url_esc('alternate_ad_url', w.google_alternate_ad_url);
google_append_url('alt_color', w.google_alternate_color);
google_append_url("skip", w.google_skip);

var client = w.google_ad_client;
if (!w.google_num_slots_by_client[client]) {
w.google_num_slots_by_client[client] = 1;
w.google_num_slots_by_client.length += 1;
} else {
w.google_num_slots_by_client[client] += 1;

if (w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region]) {
google_append_url_esc('prev_fmts', w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region].toLowerCase());
if (w.google_num_slots_by_client.length > 1) {
google_append_url('slot', w.google_num_slots_by_client[client]);

if (w.google_ad_format) {
google_append_url_esc('format', w.google_ad_format.toLowerCase());
if (w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region]) {
w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region] = w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region] + ',' + w.google_ad_format;
} else {
w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region[region] = w.google_ad_format;

google_append_url('num_ads', w.google_max_num_ads);
google_append_url('output', w.google_ad_output);
google_append_url('adtest', w.google_adtest);

if (w.google_ad_channel) {
var chnl = w.google_ad_channel.toLowerCase();
google_append_url_esc('channel', chnl);
var pv_ch = '';
var arr = chnl.split('+');
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var ch = arr[i];
if (!w.google_num_slots_by_channel[ch]) {
w.google_num_slots_by_channel[ch] = 1;
} else {
pv_ch += ch + '+';
google_append_url_esc('pv_ch', pv_ch);

google_append_url_esc('url', w.google_page_url);
google_append_color('bg', w.google_color_bg);
google_append_color('text', w.google_color_text);
google_append_color('link', w.google_color_link);
google_append_color('url', w.google_color_url);
google_append_color('border', w.google_color_border);
google_append_color('line', w.google_color_line);
google_append_url('kw_type', w.google_kw_type);
google_append_url_esc('kw', w.google_kw);
google_append_url_esc('contents', w.google_contents);
google_append_url('num_radlinks', w.google_num_radlinks);
google_append_url('max_radlink_len', w.google_max_radlink_len);
google_append_url('rl_filtering', w.google_rl_filtering);
google_append_url('rl_mode', w.google_rl_mode);
google_append_url('rt', w.google_rt);
google_append_url('ad_type', w.google_ad_type);
google_append_url('image_size', w.google_image_size);
google_append_url('region', w.google_ad_region);
google_append_url('feedback_link', w.google_feedback);
google_append_url_esc('ref', w.google_referrer_url);
google_append_url_esc('loc', w.google_page_location);
google_append_url('bid', w.google_bid);

if (w.google_noframe) {
google_append_url('nloc', document.location);

if (w.google_onpage && document.body) {
var scr_h = document.body.scrollHeight;
var clt_h = document.body.clientHeight;
if (clt_h && scr_h) {
google_append_url_esc('cc', Math.round(clt_h*100/scr_h));

w.google_ad_url = w.google_ad_url.substring(0, 1000);
w.google_ad_url = w.google_ad_url.replace(/%\w?$/, '');

if (google_ad_output == 'js' &&
(w.google_ad_request_done w.google_radlink_request_done)) {
document.write('<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript1.1"' +
' src='http://www.im286.com/+quoted(google_ad_url)+
'></scr' + 'ipt>');
} else if (google_ad_output == 'html') {
if (w.name == 'google_ads_frame') {
} else {
document.write('<ifr' + 'ame' +
' name="google_ads_frame"' +
' width=' + quoted(w.google_ad_width) +
' height=' + quoted(w.google_ad_height) +
' frameborder=' + quoted(w.google_ad_frameborder) +
' src='http://www.im286.com/+quoted(w.google_ad_url)+
' marginwidth="0"' +
' marginheight="0"' +
' vspace="0"' +
' hspace="0"' +
' allowtransparency="true"' +
' scrolling="no">');
document.write('</ifr' + 'ame>');

w.google_ad_frameborder = null;
w.google_ad_format = null;
w.google_page_url = null;
w.google_language = null;
w.google_gl = null;
w.google_country = null;
w.google_region = null;
w.google_city = null;
w.google_hints = null;
w.google_safe = null;
w.google_encoding = null;
w.google_ad_output = null;
w.google_max_num_ads = null;
w.google_ad_channel = null;
w.google_contents = null;
w.google_alternate_ad_url = null;
w.google_alternate_color = null;
w.google_color_bg = null;
w.google_color_text = null;
w.google_color_link = null;
w.google_color_url = null;
w.google_color_border = null;
w.google_color_line = null;
w.google_adtest = null;
w.google_kw_type = null;
w.google_kw = null;
w.google_num_radlinks = null;
w.google_max_radlink_len = null;
w.google_rl_filtering = null;
w.google_rl_mode = null;
w.google_rt = null;
w.google_ad_type = null;
w.google_image_size = null;
w.google_feedback = null;
w.google_skip = null;
w.google_page_location = null;
w.google_referrer_url = null;
w.google_ad_region = null;
w.google_ad_section = null;
w.google_bid = null;

function google_error_handler(message, url, line) {
return true;

function google_in_adframe() {
var w = window;
var d = document;
if (w.top.location == d.location) {
w.google_onpage = 1;
return false;

if (w.google_ad_width && w.google_ad_height) {
var wd = 1;
var ht = 1;
if (w.innerHeight) {
wd = w.innerWidth;
ht = w.innerHeight;
} else if (d.documentElement && d.documentElement.clientHeight) {
wd = d.documentElement.clientWidth;
ht = d.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (d.body) {
wd = d.body.clientWidth;
ht = d.body.clientHeight;

if (ht > 2 * w.google_ad_height
wd > 2 * w.google_ad_width) {
w.google_noframe = 1;

return true;



wel come to . 欢迎光临